Recite me link

1. Please confirm if the Trust is in contract for a ‘managed print service’ (MPS)?
2. Does this include both MFD’s and Printers?
3. Please confirm who the contract was awarded to?
4. Please confirm procurement route used?
5. Please confirm name of Trust employee that is responsible for the management of the printer estate for the Trust?
6. How many locations does the Trust have?
7. How many MFD’s does the Trust have?
8. What is the annual spend on MFD’s – including lease costs, consumables, costs per click and service charges?
9. How many printers does the Trust have?
10. What is the annual spend on printers – including lease costs, consumables, costs per click and service charges?
11. Please confirm the annual print volumes for both mono and colour pages?
12. Please confirm the name and contact details of your Sustainability lead?

MFD’s and Printers.250723.docx