Please tell me with respect to the financial year 2022/23:
1) How many incidents were reported by your Trust on the Datix incident reporting system under the category ‘MRI safety’?
2) How many of these MRI safety Datix incident reports were listed under the division, ‘MRI Non Declared Internal Passive Metallic Implant’?
3) How many of these MRI safety Datix incident reports were under the division ‘MRI Non Declared Internal Active Metallic Implant’?
For all of the incidents captured under 2 and 3 above in 2022/23, can you please provide a verbatim copy of the description of the adverse event?
Please do a search based on relevant words and then review to ensure they meet the criteria outlined above of non-declared passive and active metal implant incidents in MRI scans.
Another alternative, if your Trust lacks the Datix system, could be to search for safety incidents logged under the location ‘MRI’.