All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. Please detail the standard follow-up regime for newly diagnosed melanoma patients (Stages IA-IIB) within your Trust, indicating the frequency of appointments and duration of follow-up (1-5 years) as per your clinical protocols.
2. Which of the following Melanoma NICE guidelines do you currently implement at your Trust/Health Board/other:
a. Pre-27th July 2022 NICE guidelines titled ‘NG14: Melanoma: assessment and management’ Yes or No
b. Latest NICE guidelines title ‘NG14: Melanoma: assessment and management’ released on the 27th July 2022. Yes or No
c. Using own Melanoma guideline for the Trust. Yes or No
i. If yes, please provide document in PDF format.
3. What is your current waiting time for sentinel lymph node biopsy for those confirmed with any stage melanoma? Please provide measure (Weeks, months etc, but please identify..)
4. In the last 12 months for stage 2Bs melanoma only, what proportion of them had Pembrolizumab.
5. Is ultrasound used in any of the follow up pathways for the stages of Melanoma below for patients in your Trust, please answer Yes or No:
– IA Yes or No
– IB Yes or No
– IIA Yes or No
– IIB Yes or No
6. For the following NHS financial year dates, how many melanoma cases per year have been newly diagnosed in your Trust
a. 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23
7. Could you please confirm for your Trust in 2022/23 the following numbers of newly diagnosed Melanoma skin cancer patients and the number of these who have received a subsequent Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy by Melanoma Stage?
Melanoma Cancer Care Protocols and Patient Management Details.130324.docx