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The questions below relate to medicines carbon footprint reporting for your Trust.
Question 1: Do you calculate the carbon footprint of medicines?
Answer 1: Yes/No
Question 2: What was the carbon footprint of medicines for 2021?
Answer 2: ___________ tonnes CO2e (or other units – please specify)
Question 3: How did you calculate the carbon footprint of medicines in 2021?
Answer 3: Please select one of the following
a. Top-down – we use a factor which converts spend to carbon footprint.
b. Top-down + bottom-up – we use a spend-based factor for most medicines and specific (bottom-up) carbon footprint calculations for others (e.g. inhalers and/or anaesthetics. Please specify for which medicines you use bottom-up calculations.
c. Other – Please specify.
Question 4: For top-down calculations what factor did you use?
Answer 4: ___________ kilograms or tonnes CO2e per £ spent (or other units – please specify)
Question 5: Do you update the factor used?
Answer 5: Select one of the following
a. The factor is updated yearly
b. The same factor is used every year
c. The factor is updated less frequently than yearly
Question 6: Why did you use this factor?
Answer 6: Please provide as much detail as possible including when and who supplied this factor.

Medicines carbon footprint.040123.docx