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Question for your pharmacy and/or procurement team regarding the number of medicines and/or nursing services provided to NHS patients by an Independent Homecare Provider

1. In your organisation, which named individuals have the overall responsibility for any homecare provision for your patients?
2. Do you currently have in post an operational lead for homecare services in your organisation – If so, what is their name/role?
3. What are your organisations minimum requirements for accepting a homecare provider?
4. If you have an outsourced outpatient pharmacy, are they able to provide nurse services / training for patients on how to self-inject for medicines administered by sub-cutaneous injection as part of their contract?
Can you please advise of total numbers of NHS patients who;
5. Received a homecare delivery service of drug and/or nurse service at dates Jan 2018 / Jan 2019 / October 2019 – please provide these numbers by;
a. Drug name
b. Therapy / clinical area
c. Name of the homecare provider who provided/provides this service
d. If possible please identify if these services are NHS funded or pharmaceutical / manufacturer funded services.

Download response Medicines and nursing services. 171219