1. Approximately how many medical devices/EBME devices does the trust own?
2. Approximately how many patient beds does the Trust have?
3. Does the trust subcontract the maintenance of medical/EBME devices to an outside provider(s) or does it maintain the devices using internal engineers?
3a. If an external provider(s) is used, what is the name of the company(s)?
3b. If an external provider(s) is used, what was the value of the contract when awarded?
3c. If an external provider(s) is used, what is the contract type – PPM/ Fully-Comprehensive / Ad-hoc support?
3d. If an external provider(s) is used, what is the contract renewal date(s)?
4. Please provide the name, email address of the role responsible for managing medical devices within the trust
5. If medical device maintenance is managed internally, how many clinical engineers are employed by the Trust?
6. What is the current % of assets ‘within service date’ – i.e., the date by which a device must be serviced has not expired? (This will be a standard KPI)