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1. Does the organisation use an external supplier to supply software for the management of annual appraisals, revalidation and 360 degree multi-source feedback?
2. If so, which supplier does the organisation use for:
a) Medic Appraisals and Revalidation?
b) 360 degree multi-source feedback?
3. What was the annual cost to the third party in 20/21 for:
a) Medic Appraisals and Revalidation?
b) 360 degree multi-source feedback?
4. Please can you provide the contract start and end date for:
a) Medic Appraisals and Revalidation?
b) 360 degree multi-source feedback?
5. When will the organisation commence the start of the next Tender requirement for:
a) Medic Appraisals and Revalidation?
b) 360 degree multi-source feedback?
6. Did the organisation procure the supplier via a framework? If so, which framework?
a) Medic Appraisals and Revalidation?
b) 360 degree multi-source feedback?
7. Does the organisation use internal or external Appraisers for Annual Appraisal?

Download response Medical Appraisal & Revalidation Software Supply. 200921.docx