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1. If you have a maternity unit within your trust, how many patients or members of the public made a complaint relating to the maternity unit in the (i) 2020/21 financial year, and (ii) 2021/22?
2. How many of these complaints in relation to the period 2021/22 made reference to (i) equipment shortage or failure, (ii) a lack of adequate staff and (iii) staff attitude or performance?
Please note that a complaint identified in Q.1 may give rise to being a complaint about one, two or all three items in Q.2 and should be recorded separately in each category.
3. For each complaint identified in Q.2 please provide a summary of the circumstances. Please use the attached spreadsheet as the level of detail I would like.

Maternity unit complaints – 2020-21 and 2021-22.111022.docx