Recite me link

1. The name of the maternity unit
2. The type of setting
3. Does the maternity unit use a dedicated MIS or an EHR system with a maternity module or other
4. If a MIS solution is used, please answer the following questions relating to the contract:
a. Who is the current MIS provider?
b. When did the contract start
c. What is the tenure / length of the contract (in years)?
d. What is the overall contract value (split by installation and maintenance costs)
i. Installation
ii. Maintenance
e. Which of the following functionalities has the maternity unit adopted?
i. eReferrals
ii. Procedure booking
iii. Personal health record
iv. Offline maternity records
v. Care and birth plans
vi. Automated Obstetrics VTE scoring
vii. Integration with national Perinatal GROW system
viii. Anaesthetic activity recording
ix. Intrapartum (real-time data entry of labour & delivery info)
x. Neonatal systems
xi. Cardio-Toco-Graphy (CTG)
xii. Electronic document transfer
xiii. Reporting data

Maternity Information Systems (MIS).150923.docx