Recite me link

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Please could you provide us with the leader’s name for the below leadership roles.
If you have a very similar role but not the exact job title, please include details of the very similar role and individual. If you don’t have this role at all, please state N/A or “Don’t have the job title”.
Also, please include the names and job titles of any of the board members that are not listed below.
Job title
Chief executive
Director of Finance & Information
Medical director
Director of Nursing
Chief operating officer
Director of communications and marketing
Director of HR and OD
Chief people officer
Director of strategy and planning
Chief pharmacist
Director of Corporate Governance/Company Secretary/Board Secretary
Head of legal services
Lead director for procurement (procurement director)
PA to chief executive
Chief clinical information officer
Director of infection control
Head of estates
Chief information officers/IT director
Head of hotel services
Head of private patients
Head of sterile services
Head of facilities management

Leadership role staff details.220324.docx