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1) Does your organisation have the facilities to treat an NHS patient in need of IVF treatment?
2) If the answer to the above is NO – where are these patients referred to and are these establishments private/NHS funded or mixed? Please give the name(s) of the fertility treatment organisations you have relationships with/ refer your patients to should IVF be required?
3) If the answer to the above is NO – are there any future plans for your Trust to offer fertility treatment and if so, when will this be?
If the answer to question 1) is YES – can you please answer the following questions?
4) In your fertility treatment centre/IVF clinic – do you have the use of fertility management software to manage patient appointments, treatment schedules, statistical reports/ HFEA uploads, patient case files, financial projections etc?
5) If the answer to question 4) is NO – can you please detail how you presently manage the administrative running of your fertility centre and if there is a consideration to move to a software solution re the paperless ambitions of the NHS?
6) If the answer to question 4) is YES, could you please confirm the name of the software system you use &/or company that sells it, when it was purchased & when the contract expires?
7) If you do offer IVF treatment at your Trust, could you please confirm the names of the following people a) Principal Embryologist b) Clinical Director c) Clinic Manager

Download response IVF Treatment. 010217