All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
1. How do you test for H. Pylori infection during upper GI endoscopies ? Please specify what tests you use, eg, Culture Biopsy (Pathology), Urease.
2. How many H. Pylori tests are performed in a typical month?
3. Who decides to purchase H. Pylori tests?
4. Which H.Pylori test(s) do you use most?
5. Why do you use these tests most?
6. Where in the hospital is the test usually done, and by whom?
7. What medication do you use to treat H, Pylori? Please give drug name and brand.
8. What is the typical cost per test? Please give an estimate for unbranded or laboratory own tests.
9. Do you use a Urease test for H. Pylori? If not, what type of test do you use? Eg breath test, culture, etc.
10. If you use a Urease test for H. Pylori, what type of Urease H. Pylori test do you use? Please give drug name and brand