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I am writing regarding funding provided by the government in 2019-20, distributed to your Trust via Health Education England (HEE), to improve rest facilities for junior doctors in line with the BMA Fatigue and Facilities Charter.
I understand from HEE that your Trust was provided with of this funding.
1. Please detail how this money was spent on improving rest facilities for junior doctors.
2. Please provide me with any documentation that the Trust holds (e.g. board papers, business plans, emails) that documents the allocation of this funding and the justification for its use.
3. Please provide me with any documentation that the trust holds (e.g. board papers, business plans, emails) that documents how the Director of Medical Education and Junior Doctors’ Forum in your Trust determined, signed off and monitored the allocation of this funding.
4. If your answers to questions 1-3 above do not account for the full amount of the funding in question, with which your Trust was provided, please detail what happened to the remainder.

Fatigue and Facilities Charter.281222.docx