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1. Does the Trust currently or has the Trust used any staffed mobile CT, MRI or PET-CT scanning providers since 1st April 2022?
If so, please provide the following details:
1.1. Provider Name
1.2. Contract Start Date
1.3. Contract End Date (if the contract is currently active, please confirm the end date specified in the contract)
1.4. Total spend (per modality/mobile service) since 1st April 2022
1.5. Please state where the mobile scanner is located.
(i.e., at an Acute Hospital, a Non-Acute Hospital, a Community Diagnostic Centre site or elsewhere)
2. Has the Trust made contractual arrangements with a staffed mobile CT, MRI or PET-CT scanning service with a provider (not listed above) for a future date?
2.1. Provider Name
2.2. Contract Start Date
2.3. Contract duration (please specify whether your answer is in days, weeks, months or years)
3. Does the Trust own and operate any of its own mobile scanners? If so, please confirm:
3.1. Location
4. Excluding staffed mobile CT, MRI or PET-CT scanning services, does the Trust use a Managed Equipment Services (MES) provider for CT, MRI or PET-CT imaging?
4.1. Provider Name
4.2. Contract Start Date
4.3. Contract End Date (if the contract is currently active, please confirm the end date specified in the contract)
4.4. Location
4.5. Is the Trust restricted to only using this provider for all outsourced scanning solutions?

External CT, MRI and PET-CT scanning providers.030523.docx