Recite me link

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, we would like to request the answers to the below questions, in relation to your decontamination services at the hospital trusts.
1) What is the age of the AER machines currently installed?
2) What is the approximate year the AER machines will be replaced?
3) What is the manufacturer/brand of the current AER machines?
4) How many AER machines do you have across the sites?
5) Are you happy with your current supplier or are you experiencing problems?
6) How many scopes are you processing per week?
7) What is the name and contact details of your decontamination manager?
8) As part of your contingency planning during a decant, replacement or refurbishment, would you or have you considered using a mobile decontamination unit?

Decontamination Services.190324.docx