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1. Does your data analytics software have the following capabilities?
a. Machine learning
b. Artificial intelligence
c. Conversational interaction e.g. natural language interface
d. Open APIs
e. Mobile application
f. Near real time analysis
g. Interactive dashboards
2. Please confirm whether data analytics technology is used in the following ways at your hospital:
a. To access near real-time patient flow information
b. To forecast demand and resources required
c. To identify population health patterns and risk stratification
d. To manage purchasing levels of medical supplies
e. To inform patient diagnosis
f. To inform the creation of clinical pathways
g. To inform resource and recruitment
3. Does your data analytics solution provide alerts for the following?
a. Performance and compliance metrics
b. Key operational issues, e.g. emergency department demand
4. Across how many different systems does your hospital hold data?
a. 1-10
b. 20-50
c. 50-100
d. 100-300
e. 300+

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