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I am looking for copies of your local clinical guidelines on identification and management of 3 maternity issues. For each I will provide possible names of the guidance as the exact title of the guidelines will vary. Please seek obstetric support in locating these guidelines if required. If a guideline does not exist please also inform me of this. If a guideline is publicly available I apologise I could not find it when searching your site, but please direct me to it.
The 3 guidelines I wish to view:
1. Decreased fetal movements/ reduced fetal movements/ diminished fetal movements/ change in fetal movements/ reduced movements of baby.
2. Large for gestational age/ LGA/ Big baby/ fetus greater than the 90th centile/ baby greater than 97th centile.
3. Fetal growth restriction/ FGR/ small for gestation age/ SGA/ intrauterine growth restriction/ IUGR small babies.

Download response Clinical guidelines on identification and management of three maternity issues. 181121.docx