1. Over all how many Cancer trackers are employed by your Trust (WTE)?
2. Over all how many cancer MDT co-ordinators are employed by your Trust (WTE)?
3. Please provide the split of cancer tracker WTE by each tumour site of responsibility
a. Lung
b. Breast
c. Head & Neck
d. Lower GI
e. Upper GI
f. Gynaelogical
g. Children’s
h. Acute leukaemia
i. Haematological malignancies (excluding acute leukaemia)
j. Testicular
k. Urological
4. Please provide the split of cancer MDT co-coordinators WTE by each tumour site of responsibility
a. Lung
b. Breast
c. Head & Neck
d. Lower GI
e. Upper GI
f. Gynaelogical
g. Children’s
h. Acute leukaemia
i. Haematological malignancies (excluding acute leukaemia)
j. Testicular
k. Urological
5. What cancer PAS system is used by your organisation? I.e. Somerset, Infoflex other. If other please specify.