Question 1
How many booked elective invasive procedures (this includes but is not limited to procedures being performed in operating theatres, interventional radiology or other radiology suites, cardiac catheter labs, endoscopy and any other site not mentioned involving an invasive procedure, whether under local anaesthetic, general anaesthetic, spinal or epidural anaesthetic, peripheral nerve block, or sedation) did your trust cancel in the calendar years:
a. 2017
b. 2018
c. 2019
d. 2020
e. 2021
Question 2
How many booked elective invasive procedures (this includes but is not limited to procedures being performed in operating theatres, interventional radiology or other radiology suites, cardiac catheter labs, endoscopy and any other site not mentioned involving an invasive procedure, whether under local anaesthetic, general anaesthetic, spinal or epidural anaesthetic, peripheral nerve block, or sedation) did your trust cancel at the date of this request in this calendar year?