Recite me link

All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
For each of the staff group categories:
1 Does your Trust use an E-Rostering provider? (YES/NO)
2 What is the name of your current E-Rostering provider?
3 What is the contract start date for your e-rostering software? (dd/mm/yyyy)
4 What is the contract end date for your e-rostering software? (dd/mm/yyyy)
5 How many licenses is your contract for?
For each of the staff group categories:
1 Do you have an in- house temporary staffing team to manage your bank OR is this outsourced to a company? (In-house/Outsourced)
2 If outsourced, what is the name of this company?
3 What was the start date for the contract with this outsourced provider? (dd/mm/yyyy)
4 What is the expiry date for the contract with this outsourced provider? (dd/mm/yyyy)
For each of the staff group categories:
5 Does your organistion use digital technology/software to manage it’s staff bank? (YES/NO)
6 If the response was YES to question 1, what is the name of your digital staff bank technology (e.g. Allocate, Patchwork, Locum’s Nest)?
7 What was the contract start date for the provider you currently use for your Digital staff bank? (dd/mm/yyyy)
8 What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use for your Digital staff bank? (dd/mm/yyyy)

Bank and Rostering.170624.docx