Recite me link

1. What is your current bank spend for the last 12 months?
2. What is your current agency spend for the last 12 months?
3. Do you have a Managed Bank Provider or a Bank System Provider?
a. If so who is the Provider
b. What is the contract end date?
4. What is your current fill rate for bank?
5. Do you have a Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor provider?
a. If so who is the Provider
b. What is the contract end date?
6. What is your current fill rate for agency?
7. Do you have a Direct Engagement Provider?
a. If so who is the Provider,
b. what is the fee
c. What is the contract end date?
8. If you have Direct Engagement in place what is the current % uptake?

Bank and Agency spend.230823.docx