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1. Does your Trust have teams/departments that handle any of the following: Application/Software Development, Websites, Technical innovation? Yes/No, If Yes please name these teams/departments:
2. How many members are in these teams/departments? And what roles are the teams/departments made up of?
3. What technologies do the teams/departments use? For example: HTML5, C#, SQL, .NET Core 2.0
4. Are the developments of the teams/departments open source? Yes/No, If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
5. What software methodology do the teams/departments use?
6. Do the teams/departments develop front facing service user websites/apps? Yes/No, If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
7. Do the teams/departments work with clinical staff to formulate any innovative ideas they may have? Yes/No, If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
8. Have the teams/departments ever gone for external tenders for healthcare system developments? Yes/No, If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
9. Have the teams/departments ever done developments for other trusts/external entities? Yes/No, If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
10. Have the teams/departments ever sold a development it has produced commercially? Yes/No, If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
11. Have the teams/departments ever attempted to secure an innovation grant? Yes/No If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.
12. Were the teams/departments used during the COVID-19 crisis? Yes/No If Yes, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this. If No, why wasn’t it used?
13. Does your service provide mental health services? Yes/No If Yes, have the teams/departments been involved in developing these digitally/online?
14. Do the teams/departments feel they have good visibility within the Trust regarding the services they can offer? Yes/No, please give any details you may be able to disclose regarding this.

Download response Application, Software Development, Websites and Technical innovation. 200720