1. Can you confirm names of all agencies supplying into the trust directly or via the NHS Professionals platform for nursing staff specifically for both Band 2 and Band 5 requirements, including off-framework agencies.
a. With the above information, can this be broken down by
• Volume of supply (per month for the last 12 months)
• Total trust spend per agency (per month for the last 12 months)
• By AfC banding of shift request and speciality of nurse
2. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been filled by agencies supplying Band 5 Registered Nursing staff at or below NHSI agency capped rates within the last 12 month period?
3. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been filled by agencies supplying Band 5 Registered Nursing staff above NHSI agency capped rates within the last 12 month period?
4. For the same 12 month period, can you confirm the average charge rate per hour for Band 5 Nursing agency staff across:
Week Days:
Night Shift/Saturday shifts:
Sunday shift/Bank Holiday:
5. Lastly can you confirm the highest agency nurse hourly charge rate, and their speciality?