1. The total amount spent on agency temporary staff for the year 2021/22 (April ’21 to March ‘22) and between 31/10/2021 to 31/10/2022 for the following categories:
• Doctors
• Nurses
• AHP (all categories)
• Health Care Assistants
2. Bank Spend – Total amount spent on bank staff for the year 2021/22 (April ’21 to March ‘22) and between 31/10/2021 and 31/10/2022 year split into the Trusts’ staff groups (E.g. Medical, Nursing, Admin, AHP etc.) and speciality/grade (E.g. Consultants, GP, ICU Nurse, Acute Nurse, Occupational therapists, Pharmacists, Health Care Assistants, etc.) depending on how this is reported within the Trust.
3. Confirmation on whether the trust bank is currently operated by the trust themselves or by a private provider. If the latter please confirm the name of the provider.
The names and contact information of the individual divisional directors of Surgery covering the following treatment areas:
• General Surgery
• Urology
• Trauma and Orthopaedic
• Ear, Nose and Throat
• Ophthalmology
• Oral Surgery
• Neurosurgical Service
• Cardiothoracic
• Cardiology Service
• Dermatology Service
• Respiratory Medicine Service
• Gynaecology Service
• Rheumatology Service