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1. How many Adverse Events* have been recorded in NHS maternity departments in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 to date (can I have this broken down in separate years, in financial or calendar years, however this information is held)?
1 a) please provide as much information as you can on these events.

2. How many Serious Incidents** have there been in NHS maternity departments in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 to date (can I have this broken down in separate years in financial or calendar years, however this information is held)?
2 a) Please provide as much information as you can on these events.
2 b) how many serious incidents specifically involved avoidable or unexpected death for mother or baby during this period?

Download response Adverse Events and Serious Incidents recorded in Maternity departments 2013 – 2016. 080317