Please note the questionnaire refers only to Adult Haematology services.
1) Does your Trust have a Clinical Haematology service for Adults?
Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
If No, please return the questionnaire at this stage – there are no further questions that need to be answered.
2) If Yes, please complete the staffing table below:
3) If you have Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists, please advise on how their jobs are split, for example 1.0WTE Myeloma CNS, 0.8WTE BMT CNS etc.
4) Which of the below haematological services does your Haematology service cover?
5) In the last 3 years, how many ‘New’ patients were seen by your Clinical Haematology Team?
6) If you have a BMT service, how many patients do you treat on average per year?