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As of 1st of July 2021 (or most recent available data):
1. How many active beds were in service? If possible, please break this down by sector as delineated by NHS England in the KH03 quarterly collection (General & Acute, Maternity, Learning Disability and Mental Health – please note, if you are a mental health trust, no additional breakdown is needed)
2. How many beds were not in service? If possible, please break this down by sector as delineated by NHS England in the KH03 quarterly collection.
3. Please clarify why these beds were not in service.
In the first week of July 2019:
1. How many active beds were in service? If possible, please break this down by sector as delineated by NHS England in the KH03 quarterly collection.
2. How many beds were not in service? If possible, please break this down by sector as delineated by NHS England in the KH03 quarterly collection.
3. Please clarify why these beds were not in service.

Download response Active beds across your Trust. 070921.docx