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a. Is 3D printing technology being used at your facilities?
If the answer to Q1a is Yes then skip to Q2.
If the answer to Q1a is No then:
b. Do you plan on utilising 3D Printing technology in the near future?
If the answer to Q1b is No then you may skip the rest of the questionnaire.
If the answer to Q1b is Yes then:
c. What part(s) do you intent to 3D print (e.g. Prosthetic limbs, hearing aids etc.)?
Q2) What 3D Printers are being used for producing the parts (Brand name & model)?
Q3) What type of parts/products are being printed (e.g. Prosthetic hand, prosthetic leg, splint, hip joint etc.) Please be specific.
Q4) What materials are being commonly used for 3D printing at your facilities?
Q5) What ISO standards and/or other ASTM/BS standards are being followed when producing the parts/products?
Q6) Please briefly describe the ethics process that is required for using 3D printing parts in patients?

3D Printing technology.110423.docx