Recite me link

Coil removal

In order that we offer the best and safest service and to ensure our appointments are used optimally, please fill in the questionnaire below. Email completed form to: Once you have returned the form, one of our staff will be in touch within 14 days to book your IUC removal appointment. Please contact us via the email above if you don’t hear anything within 14 days of submitting your form.

Important information

To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, please abstain from sex or use condoms reliably for the 7 days prior to your coil removal procedure if your coil is in date, or 21 days if your coil is out of date.

Please ensure these contact details are correct. Unless your coil is being removed in order to become pregnant, it is really important that you aren’t at risk of conceiving by having your coil removed or are already pregnant if your coil is out of date.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

For your safety, we must ask some sensitive questions to assess the risks of sexually transmitted infections:

If the answers to any of the infection questions are YES, please visit the website SH.UK and register to receive an STI screening kit. You can then do the STI screen in the comfort of your own home and once complete please post as per the instructions. The results will be sent as a text to your mobile phone.

We will try to call you on two occasions – the number will be displayed as withheld.

Further information

  • Please be prepared to provide a urine specimen on the day, prior to your procedure.
  • We can remove a coil if you are having your period on the day of the appointment
  • Please ensure you have eaten and been drinking normally prior to the appointment.
  • You may wish to take some painkillers one hour prior to your appointment.
  • It is advisable to bring a sanitary towel or pantyliner to your appointment in case of any bleeding afterwards.
  • Please do not bring any children to the appointment
If there is any risk of pregnancy, it will not be possible to fit the IUC. So, please either abstain from sex or use a reliable method of contraception correctly for at least 21 days prior to the procedure (reliable methods of contraception do not include withdrawal or fertility awareness methods/apps).