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Q5. In decisions to suspend staff, is there any formal written assessment the organisation conducts to assess the effect on health and welfare of suspension of the staff member the organisation is considering suspending, if so please disclose a copy?
A5. Yes, in every circumstance.
Q7. Number of staff disciplinary investigations started in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 by respective year split down by investigated by an internally employed investigator or an externally contracted investigator. If the numbers are too low to reveal, it can be given by all four years together the split.
A7. Total for the four years is 1.

Follow-up questions:
1. Regarding Q5, you cite there is a formal assessment, could you send me a copy of this?
2. Also in regards to Q7, are you confirming there was only 1 external investigation in the 4 years.

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