Providing the highest levels of maternity care is our priority. The Trust welcomes the feedback from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and accepts the recommendations in its report.
Following the inspection last year, the CQC made a number of recommendations which focused on governance, processes and documentation in the Trust’s maternity units. We have taken steps to address all of these recommendations, the majority of which are now completed. These include:
- undertaking a multidisciplinary workforce review
- the implementation of new guidelines on induction of labour
- additional training and new guidelines on the management of PPH
- streamlining of the emergency theatre pathway
- improving use of the data we capture and report on.
We are pleased the CQC also highlighted examples of good practice and care at MTW. These include:
- a focus by staff on the needs of people using the service and cared for them with dignity and respect
- an open culture where service users and families could raise concerns
- staff feeling respected, valued and supported
- staff felt able to talk to departmental leaders about difficult issues.
Trust Chief Executive, Miles Scott, said: “MTW has a reputation for continually developing and improving care. I want to reassure people using our maternity services that we are addressing all of the issues raised by the CQC and have already implemented the majority of their recommendations.
“This work has the highest priority in our organisation and I am proud of the hard-working maternity teams who are dedicated to providing the best possible care at what is such an important time in people’s lives.”
Jo Haworth, Trust Chief Nurse, said: “I understand this report may raise questions for people using our maternity services. Please contact the Trust or your midwife so we can answer any questions you may have.”
“I am working with our maternity teams to use this report, (along with feedback from the recent maternity survey and the local Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership), to support the ongoing improvements of the service.”
While today’s report reflects themes and challenges facing maternity services across the country the experience and safety of people using the Trust’s maternity services remains our primary focus. Last week the CQC published its 2023 Maternity Survey, which identified MTW as one of just eight trusts nationally that exceeded service user expectations.
If you are a maternity service user and have any questions, please speak to your midwife in the first instance, who will be able to answer any questions directly relating to your care. You can also contact our Patient Advice and Liaison service by calling 01892 632953 or 01622 224960, or emailing