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NOVEMBER 18th -24th  2017 SEES THE START OF NATIONAL HIV TESTING WEEK ‘Give HIV the finger Campaign’

The week is co-ordinated by HIV Prevention England (HPE) with support and participation from organisations in the public, statutory and private sectors, and promotes the benefits of regular testing and treatment for both the individual and community.

It raises awareness of the importance of HIV testing, as well as increasing opportunities to test – be it in clinical settings, in primary care, through community-based rapid testing or via postal testing. The ultimate goal is to increase regular HIV testing in the most affected groups.

This year at MTW we are raising awareness by providing extra testing opportunities in all of our West Kent clinics Monday- Friday during opening times. Call 01622 225713 or visit for further details

We are also hosting an outreach event on Saturday 25th November at Jubilee Square in Maidstone from 5-8 pm. We will be raising awareness about HIV and also giving people an opportunity for people to ‘give HIV the finger’ by taking a finger prick HIV test.

In Kent, HIV incidence is lower than the national average but we have a late diagnosis rate which could have a profound effect on a person’s health.  People normally get HIV from someone who doesn’t know they have it, so early diagnosis is key to stopping the spread of HIV.