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The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU) are for patients receiving intensive monitoring and specialised nursing and medical care during the most critical time of their illness. They are also known as the Critical Care Unit.

Maidstone Hospital

Location: blue zone, first floor
Matron: Sarah Driscoll

Telephone numbers

  • Unit A: 01622 222025 or 01622 222028
  • Unit B: 01622 224398 or 01622 224401

Tunbridge Wells

Location: purple zone, level -1
Matron: Alex Marques

Telephone numbers

  • Front Nursing Station: 01892 635598/635446
  • End Nursing Station: 01892 635065/635182

Visiting hours

Please contact the intensive care unit for designated visiting times.

Due to the severity of our patients’ illnesses we offer relatives and friends as much flexibility as possible with visiting times and try to tailor this to each patient’s needs. We recommend that only family and close friends visit. Please note that fresh flowers are not permitted in the ICU.

Due to limited space and the need to allow staff to work around you, we generally restrict visitors to two by the bedside at a time.

For more information about protected meal times and infection control on our wards, see the visiting hours page.