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Dementia care

We believes dementia is everyone’s business and we are signed up with the Dementia Action Alliance to work towards becoming a dementia-friendly hospital.

Our aim is to provide skilled and experienced staff to ensure person-centred care is offered to all patients with dementia and their carers, as well as ensuring our environments are assessed to ensure they are dementia friendly and create dementia friendly areas.

We have a Lead Practitioner for Dementia and Dementia Nurse Facilitator who can be contacted on 01892 633738 or 01622 228251.

We are signed up to the Dementia Action Alliance Dementia Friendly Hospital Charter and John’s Campaign, which supports carer’s rights to stay with people with dementia in hospital.

Carers welcome

There is a culture of supporting open visiting on all wards within the Trust, which includes consideration of overnight stays at the ward manager’s discretion. We are committed to supporting people with dementia and their carers and work collaboratively with Involve Kent and Carers First.

Our promise to patients with dementia

  • Person-centred care is offered to all patients with dementia and their carer’s who visit or are admitted to the Trust.
  • Person-centred care means looking at the person and not the condition; dementia is unique to each person who has it and has a uniquely powerful effect on the person and the family.
  • We will recognise the individuality of people with dementia, and that their unique personality and life experience will influence their response to dementia. We recognise the importance of seeking the perspective of the person with dementia and promote the relationships and interactions with others to the person with dementia and their potential for promoting wellbeing.
  • We will screen all patients aged 65 and over admitted as an emergency for dementia or possible dementia and refer appropriately.
  • Encourage all patients with dementia to have a ‘This Is Me’ booklet. This can be downloaded, completed by a patient’s family member or carer, and returned to the ward. Copies are available on the ward.
  • Ensure all patients with cognitive impairment have a core care plan completed and referred to by all those providing care.
  • Provide training for staff from basic awareness to advanced training in a variety of formats.
  • Ensure all patients and carers are signposted to appropriate services and carers are referred for a carer’s assessment with our partner organisations.
  • Provide dementia champions on all wards.
  • Provide activities such as books and puzzles for our dementia patients on our wards to assist with cognitive stimulation.
  • Survey carers of people with dementia to gain feedback on their experience while in hospital and ensure they felt adequately supported.
  • Analyse information to assist in ensuring the service we provide is regularly reviewed. We will also liaise and work collaboratively with a number of voluntary organisations and Kent and Medway ICB to ensure new initiatives can be piloted and we can offer the best care to our patients and their carers.

Patient support volunteers

We are looking for people interested in volunteering to support those with dementia as a patient support volunteer.

This role can include reading, playing games, doing puzzles, listening to music, help with feeding, going for walks, right through to a good old chat and a cup of tea together. This time with patients helps to increase and maintain social interaction, and assists in maintaining cognitive ability during their hospital stay.

Patient support volunteers work along side the ward staff to help patients and their families.

You do not need to have any experience with dementia as we provide training to all our volunteers. Volunteers are also given the opportunity to complete Intermediate Dementia Awareness Training and you will be fully supported by the volunteer coordinator.

If you are interested in dementia care and support, contact Anne-Marie Stevens-Swain on 01622 224719 or email
