Recite me link

1. Do you currently have a ‘virtual fracture clinic’ / ‘virtual triage clinic’ / alternative to a traditional face to face appointment?
2. If so what is it called and when did it start?
3. Name and contact details of lead orthopaedic consultant/ consultant in charge of fracture clinic?
4. Number of new patient referrals per annum to fracture clinic?
5. How much do you get paid per new patient “virtual” appointment?
6. What is your discharge percentage from the “virtual” appointment?
7. What software program do you use to run your virtual clinic? In-house or bought in?
8. If you don’t have any virtual clinic, have you been considering/planning for one?
9. Do all patients come to a generic fracture clinic? Or do A&E book into sub-speciality clinics e.g. acute knee, Paeds, hands etc.

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