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a) Do you have a formal patient pathway for the management of venous leg ulcers?
b) Do you have a multi-disciplinary team for the management of venous leg ulcers? If so can you list who is involved in that team?
c) For patients with chronic leg ulcers can you state who would generally be the lead clinician on their care?
d) Do you have a lead clinician for venous conditions? If so, please provide a name, job title, postal address, email address and telephone number. This information would only be used for limited communications from the All-Party Parliamentary Group in the furtherance of its policy aim to improve venous care across the country.
e) How many patients with chronic venous leg ulcers did you treat in i) 2012/13, ii) 2013/14, iii) 2014/15, iv) 2015/16, v) 2016/17, vi) 2017/18
f) How many patients with chronic leg ulcers did you refer to vascular or a venous surgeon in i) 2012/13, ii) 2013/14, iii) 2014/15, iv) 2015/16, v) 2016/17, vi) 2017/18
g) How many surgical procedures related to venous leg ulcers has your trust performed in i) 2012/13, ii) 2013/14, iii) 2014/15, iv) 2015/16, v) 2016/17, vi) 2017/18

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