Recite me link

1. What is your name and role within the trust?
2. What is the name of your NHS trust?
3. How many babies were born in your trust in 2021?
4. Is there currently an NHS tongue-tie division in your trust?
5. If there is no tongue-­tie division service in your Trust, do you have a
referral pathway to a service (e.g. which may be private or located in another Trust)?
6. How many referrals were made to this service in 2021?
(or a recent 12-month period)?
7. How many babies were referred for possible division?
8. How many babies actually had an NHS tongue tie division in your Trust in 2021?
Any comment to add?
9. Who is the service run by?
10. For funding purposes what is the tongue tie release coded as?
11. Do you accept out-of-area referrals?
12. What are the criteria for referral? (Please tick as many as apply)
13. Do you accept referrals for formula fed babies?
14. Does your service divide tongue-­ties described as posterior/sub-­mucosal?
15. What is the usual waiting time between referral and appointment with the tongue-­tie service?
16. What is the maximum age for babies to be referred to the service?
17. Does your service use any specific assessment tool? (Please tick as many as apply)
18. Is specialist breastfeeding support available for mothers and babies immediately after a tongue-­tie division?
19. What follow up do the mothers and babies have after division?
20. When does that review occur?
21. What aftercare is recommended? Please tick as many as apply)
22. In comparison to pre-COVID (March 2020) have the number of tongue tie referrals?
23. In comparison to pre-COVID (March 2020) has your waiting list?
24. In comparison to pre-COVID (March 2020) have your criteria for referral changed?
25. Has COVID had any other impact on your service?
26. If you would be happy to be contacted for further details about the tongue tie
services in your area, please give your email address.
27. If you have any further comments relating to this survey or tongue tie services
generally, please use the box below:
28. Would you like a copy of the report when it is finished?

Tongue Tie.300622.docx