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Mobile Telephony / Computing Name of supplier:
Total spend with supplier in a recent 12 month period (all spend, including hardware):
Of total spend, how much of the spend was on iPads or other tablet devices:
Of total spend, how much of the spend was on feature phones and smart phones:
Current number of SIM connections (voice only):
Current number of SIM connections (voice and data):
Current number of SIM connections (data only):
How many connections (in total) have had no active usage in a recent 3 month period?
Contract model (single date for all connections / term per connection / both):
Contract end date:
What procurement route has been used for your mobile contract:

Tablet Computing Name of supplier:
Total spend on tablet computers with supplier in a recent 12 month period:
Most used operating system on your tablet devices:
For orders requiring OJEU or frameworks, what procurement route is used?
Laptop Computing Name of supplier:
Total spend on laptop computers with supplier in a recent 12 month period:
For orders requiring OJEU or frameworks, what procurement route is used?
Fixed Line Telephony Name of supplier:
Total spend with supplier (on fixed line telephony) in a recent 12 month period:
Number of ISDN30 bearers:
Number of ISDN30 channels:
Number of PSTN lines:
Number of SIP trunks:
Number of SIP channels:
Contract End Date:
What procurement route has been used for your fixed line contract:
Internal Telephony Name of PBX infrastructure maintenance supplier:
Total spend with supplier (on internal telephony maintenance and hardware) in a recent 12 month period:
Of total spend, what was the spend on physical kit:
Of total spend, what was the spend on licences:
Switch Manufacturer(s) and Model Number(s):
Number of ports being used:
Contract End Date for maintenance contract:
For contracts requiring OJEU or frameworks, what procurement route is currently used?

Download response Telecom Audit – Telephony 141016