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Q1: Has your Trust published its plans for the rollout of tech-enabled virtual wards? Does this include plans for frailty?
Q2: Has your Trust identified a tech provider/ supplier for the delivery of a frailty virtual ward? If so, who?
Q3: Do you have phased targets between now (May 2022) and December 2023 to ensure you reach the national ambition of 40-50 per 100,000? If so, what are they?
Q4: What is your Trust’s current average length of time between being deemed medically fit for discharge and discharge occurring for patients aged 65 and over?
Q5: What assessment, if any, have you made of the cost savings of utilising tech-enabled virtual wards for frailty?
Q6: Who is the clinical lead for your frailty virtual ward?
Q7: Does your Trust expect to recruit additional roles to support the delivery of tech-enabled virtual wards within the next 12 months? If so, what are they?
Q8: How do you plan to integrate with social care and local authorities for the delivery of frailty virtual wards?

Tech-enabled virtual wards.130522.docx