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For your trust, could you give me the following details for each hospital in your trust?
1. What is the pan-hospital electronic health record software?
1.1. What are the start and end dates of this?
1.2. What is the cost of acquisition of this system?
1.3. What is the annual licence cost of this system?
2. For ACUTE HOSPITALS ONLY, for each of the departments highlighted below, I would like the following information on a hospital level:
2.1. What software solutions are implemented in the department?
2.2. What are the start and end dates of this?
2.3. What is the cost of acquisition of each of these systems?
2.4. What is the annual licence cost of this system?
Departments for which information is sought:
1. Diagnostic imaging – ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI scans / Radiology
2. Gynaecology
3. Maternity
4. Neonatal units
5. Emergency (if present)
6. Cardiology
7. Neurology
8. Oncology
9. Pharmacy
10. Radiotherapy
4. What other software solutions / apps has the trust bought / subscribed to recently? For the time period between 21st October 2018 and 21st October 2019.
4.1. What is the cost of acquisition of each of these?
4.2. What was the rationale behind buying this?

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