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All questions are shown as received by the Trust.
Total sexual safety incidents

1. How many sexual safety incidents did the trust record? (This includes incidents by all alleged perpetrators against all alleged victims: staff, patients, visitors, members of the public)
1.1 in 2022/23 financial year
1.2 in 2023/24 financial year

Sexual safety incidents by staff against patients
2. How many sexual safety incidents allegedly perpetrated by staff against patients did the trust record?
2.1 in 2022/23 financial year
2.2 in 2023/24 financial year

Sexual violence and misconduct by patients against other patients
3. How many sexual safety incidents allegedly perpetrated by patients against other patients did the trust record?
3.1 in 2022/23 financial year
3.2 in 2023/24 financial year

Sexual safety incidents by patients against staff
4. How many sexual safety incidents allegedly perpetrated by patients against staff did the trust record?
4.1 in 2022/23 financial year
4.2 in 2023/24 financial year

Sexual safety incidents by staff against other staff
5 How many sexual safety incidents allegedly perpetrated by staff against other staff did the trust record?
5.1 in 2022/23 financial year
5.2 in 2023/24 financial year

Age of alleged victims
6. How many of the sexual safety incidents did the trust record where the victim was a patient:
6.1 Under 18 (this includes under 16 and under 13)
6.2 Under 16 (this includes under 13)
6.3 Under 13

Please provide figures for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial years.
7. How many incidents of physical violence perpetrated by patients against staff did the trust record?
7.1 in 2022/23 financial year
7.2 in 2023/24 financial year

Sexual safety incidents include any behaviour of a sexual nature that is unwanted, or makes another person feel uncomfortable or afraid. This covers:
• sexual assault: when a person is coerced or physically forced to engage in sexual activity against their will, or when a person (of any gender) touches another person sexually without their consent.
• sexual harassment: any behaviour that is characterised by inappropriate sexual remarks, gestures or physical advances which are unwanted and make a person feel uncomfortable, intimidated or degrade their dignity.
• Other sexual incidents: where an individual may have witnessed or experienced something of a sexual nature that does not fit in to the categories of sexual harassment or assault, and which made the person feel uncomfortable and/or sexually unsafe.

Sexual safety incidents.170924.docx