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1) What best describes your organisation? Please place an X next to the appropriate answer.
Acute District General Hospital
Acute Tertiary centre
Specialist tertiary centre
Private hospital
2) Do you submit Sepsis CQUIN data?
a) Are you using NEWS2 in your organisation?
b) If not, are you in the process of transitioning to NEWS2?
4) What sepsis screening prompt is used? Please place an X next to all that apply.
Suspicion of Infection +
MEWS or equivalent
Health care professional concern
Clinical or carer concern
5) What treatment prompt is used? Please place an X next to all that apply.
NEWS of 5 + Clinical Judgement (Senior review)
Red Flag Sepsis
Full NICE sepsis criteria
Sepsis 3 (quick SOFA)
Sepsis 2 (SIRS criteria + organ dysfunction)
6) What treatment pathway is used?
a) Sepsis 6
b) SSC guidelines

Download response Sepsis. 280119