Recite me link

Trust Name
Q1. Since Jan 1 2016 have you commissioned or received any reports from a royal college into one or more of your services?
Please state number
And, for each
Which college and service/s was involved
Date commissioned
Date final report received.
Q2. When did you inform
a. the CQC
b. NHSE/I (or their predecessors)
that a report had been commissioned and when were they told it had been received?
Q3. When was the full report shared with:
a. CQC
b. NHSE/I?
c. When was it seen by the full board?
Q4. Was the full report made public and, if so, when and how (e.g. on public board papers)?
Q5. Was an action plan or similar produced in response to the report/s? If so, when was this seen by
a. CQC and
b. NHSE/I?
c. When was it seen by the full board?
Q6. Was the full action plan or similar made public and, if so, when and how?
Q7. Please release to us
a. the full report (which we appreciate may need to be redacted in part if individual cases are mentioned)
b. the action plan or similar developed in response to this.

Download response Royal College Report. 040320