Recite me link

(1) The number of patients and staff referred to the CHANNEL Panel, broken down by age, ethnicity, gender and faith*, where this information is known.
(2) The number of CHANNEL Panel information requests, broken down by age, ethnicity, gender and faith*, where this is known.
(3) Any information that the Trust holds sent to NHS England on Prevent or CHANNEL referrals.
(4) Any Trust guidance or policy on the implementation of the Prevent duty and related aforementioned duties.

For the avoidance of doubt, requests for ages, ethnicity, gender and faith* include a request for two recordings of age, ethnicity, gender and faith if possible.
Firstly, the recordings for each as self-selected by the person questioned/reported/referred (i.e. the ‘self-defined’ recording).
Secondly, the selection of the staff member questioning/reporting/referring (‘staff-perceived’).

Download response Referrals to the CHANNEL Panel 280416