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1. What specialist palliative care services are provided by the trust for the financial year 2021-22?
2. How many of the following specialist palliative care professionals are employed/funded by the trust for the financial year 2021-22?
a. Consultants in Palliative Medicine
b. GPs with a specialism in palliative care
c. Specialist Nurses employed as a clinical nurse specialist or a consultant nurse in palliative care
d. Allied health professionals
3. How many specialist palliative care beds are provided by the CCG for the financial year 2021-22 in the following settings?
a. In hospitals
b. In hospices
c. In nursing homes
d. In another facility
4. During the financial year 2021-22, how many visits have been made by specialist palliative care professionals employed/funded by the trust to patients who died at home?

Provision of specialist palliative care services. 040222.docx