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Sheet 1 Postcodes
Treasury records – Yellow – because the name of individual PFI projects can sometimes change I have asked you to provide in addition to the name, the Unique HMT ID number that identifies a PFI scheme on the HM Treasury spreadsheet so that I can be sure that I am identifying each scheme correctly.
Postal Address – Green – Could you please provide the postal address for each of the PFI projects listed. Where there are multiple addresses, please could you list each in turn and separate each with a forward slash.

Sheet 2 Fines & Deductions
Each of the PFI projects held by the authority may have incurred financial penalties for poor performance. Could you please record the details of each individual fine or deduction, since the first date of operations, in the second page of the spreadsheet.

Deduction information – Green – Could you please give a short narrative summary of the reason for the deduction, select the type of deduction incurred and note whether this was disputed by the contractor.
Date Information – Blue – Could you please record the date on which the deduction was first made then go on to note over how long the deduction was applied.
Financial Information – Orange – Please record the amount that the authority tried to deduct from the contractor, and where the deduction was disputed and the full sum not awarded the final settlement of the dispute.

Download response PFI – fines and deductions 281216