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a) the total actual and projected nominal cash costs of this PFI contract, including all projected adjustments for inflation (reflecting the basis on which the unitary charge is indexed to inflation, as agreed in the contract), along with start date and completion date;
b) for each year of the contract, the total actual and projected nominal cash costs of this PFI contract, including all projected adjustments for inflation (reflecting the basis on which the unitary charge is indexed to inflation, as agreed in each contract);
c) for each year of the contract, the non-service element of the total actual and projected nominal cash cost of each PFI contract, estimated as above;
d) the pre-tax nominal Project Internal Rate of Return and the pre-tax nominal Equity Internal Rate of Return, as calculated at the start of the contract, and as projected by the relevant SPV as of today.

Download response PFI contract for Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust 180516