Recite me link

1. What ERP system does your organisation currently use (e.g. SAP / Oracle / Sage)?
2. What bacs software do you use (e.g. Bottomline PTX / Finastra / PayGate)?
3. Do you use a NHS Shared Service Provider?
4. Which NHS Shared Service Provider do you use?
5. How long is your current bacs/Shared Service solution contract for, when did it start and when is it due to expire (please include in addition any extensions viable in the contract)?
6. When the current bacs/Shared Service software contract is due to finish would you (if not already) consider using another solution?
7. What is the value of the bacs/Shared Service software contract?
8. Are you undergoing/planning a financial transformation project? (e.g. New ERP/Bacs system)
9. What is your annual revenue?
10. With whom does the organisation hold its primary bank account?
11. What payments types does the organisation use? (e.g. Bacs (Direct Credit), Direct Debit, Faster Payments, etc.).
12. What is the number of employees in the organisation?
13. Who is the person responsible for the ERP system – please provide full name, title and contact information (if possible)
14. Who is the person responsible for the Bacs software system – please provide full name, title and contact information (if possible)

Download response Payment systems. 230921.docx