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Retail Catering Services / Patient feeding services
1. The name and contact details for the Chief Executive?
2. The name and contact details for the Director of Finance?
3. The name and contact details for the Director of Estates and Facilities?
4. The name and contact details of the Procurement Director?
Retail Catering
5. The name(s) of the company(ies) who currently provides retail catering at the hospital?
6. Is this a single service contract or part of an IFM contract? If so, who is the FM provider and what other services are included?
7. How many of each type of outlet are there e.g. coffee shop, restaurant etc
8. When does the contract expire?
9. What is the average sales turnover per annum for all the outlets combined?
Patient Feeding
10. Who provides patient feeding within the hospital?
11. If this is run in house is the trust willing to consider outsourcing?
12. If outsourced, is this a single service contract or part of an IFM contract? If so, who is the FM provider and what other services are included?
13. When does the contract expire?
14. What is the annual turnover per annum for patient feeding?
Additional Questions
15. How many beds are there in the hospital? If there is more than one hospital in the trust, please can you breakdown the number of beds per hospital building?
16. How many staff work in each hospital?
17. Do you use a framework for catering? If so, which framework do you use?

Download response Patient Feeding and Retail Catering. 071021.docx