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Please answer the questions below based on the situation as of 31 March 2021.
1. Please provide the following information:
2. We have included below, the locations where previously you, or a CCG for your area, have told us that paediatric audiology services are provided. Please complete the table by:
Section 2: Waiting times
3. In the last quarter, (1 January – 31 March 2021) how many days on average did patients wait for the following?
Section 3: Your policies
4. What options are included in the current management pathway in your service for temporary conductive hearing loss?
5. Are there any groups of children that you don’t currently provide hearing instruments for?
6. Do you currently provide free batteries for children’s hearing aids?
7. Do you currently provide a choice of coloured or patterned moulds to children at no extra charge?
8. What types of appointments do you offer?
Section 4: Your caseload
9. How many deaf children are there within your case load?
Section 5: Quality improvement
10. Have you registered for (Improving Quality in Physiological Services) IQIPS this year?
11. Which of the below best describes your current status with regard to IQIPS for children’s audiology services?
12. If you are not registered with IQIPS or have dropped out, what is the main reason?
13. If you are registered with IQIPS but have not progressed in the last year, what is the main reason?
14. Has your service booked its onsite assessment with UKAS?
15. If your service has not yet booked its online assessment with UKAS, what colour are you currently at on the UKAS traffic light system?
Section 6: Staffing and training
16. How many full time equivalent staff does your children’s audiology service have at the following levels as on 31 March 2021?
17. If there has been a reduction in the number or skill level of staff compared to last year, what are the reasons for this?
18. Are you aware of any planned changes to staffing in 2021/22?
19. Thinking about permanent posts in the service as of 31 March 2021, what was the split of clinical and non-clinical sessions for audiology staff?
20. Are all staff able to access the CPD necessary for their roles?
Section 7: Children’s Hearing Services Working Groups
21. Does the Children’s Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG) in your area include at least one parent representative?
22. Does the CHSWG in your area produce a publically available annual report?
Section 8: Technology
23. As of 31 March 2021 which organisation provides the following technology:
24. As of 31 March 2021 do you balance or pair streamers purchased by:
25. Are there any plans to stop or significantly reduce the provision of hearing equipment or accessories for hearing equipment in 2021/22?
Section 9: Patient engagement
26. In the past year, how have you prepared young people for transition to adult services?
27. What was your service’s most recent score in the family and friends test?
28. How many appointments were classed as ‘Was not Brought (WNB)’ or ‘Did Not Attend (DNA)’ in the 2020/21 financial year?
Section 10: Funding and commissioning
29. How is your funding provided?
30. If you run a joint paediatric and adult service, are your budgets shared?
31. Was your audiology service for deaf children commissioned differently in the 2020/21 financial year when compared to the 2019/20 financial year?
32. Is your audiology service being commissioned differently or reviewed in 2021/22?
Section 11: Responding to the coronavirus pandemic
33. Have your service introduced any new ways of working or changes in response to the coronavirus pandemic that you anticipate will be retained as the impact of the pandemic recedes?
Section 12: Other
34. Please use the box below to provide any context or clarification to any of your answers in this survey. Please also use this box if there is anything else you’d like to add.

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